Hyaluronic acid ( ‘fillers’) and botulinum neuromodulator injectables are the holy grail of getting smooth, plump and wrinkle-free skin. We spoke to Drs Gys du Plessis an Safeera Kholvadia, both  aesthetic doctors and Jacqueline Kruger, aesthetic therapist at Longiva Healthy Ageing Institute about what patients should know before booking this sought these after medical treatments.

1. Know thy doctor

Finding the right doctor is 99% of the battle. It’s important that you and your aesthetic doctor share the same vision and most importantly that he or she has undergone the necessary training to administer injectables. Asking friends for recommendations is a good start, but if you want to stay more low-key you can ask aesthetic clinics for before and afters or ask if they offer free consultations.

“Naturally, every doctor has their own approach and philosophy to aesthetics so it’s important that you find one that aligns with your own personal goals and vision,” explains Dr Gys. “At Longiva we offer free consultations to our patients where we discuss the possible areas that we can treat, the outcome a patient can expect and the products we use. We also see this as an opportunity to connect with a patient. Establishing good communication between a doctor and patient always delivers the best results.”

2. Appointment prep

It’s understandable that you might be apprehensive of getting injectables but rest assure that these are minimally invasive treatments and they require very little if any prep, before a procedure. Botulinum toxin injections are a true lunch-time treatment and require very little prep beforehand. “We only recommend that patients avoid exercising or laying down post-treatment for at least four hours,” says Dr Kholvadia.

Fillers, on the other hand, can cause some bruising so we recommend patients schedule an appointment at least 48-hours before a minor event and two weeks before a big event. It’s also recommended that patients avoid medications and supplements that act as blood thinners one  week before a procedure as these can increase bruising.

3. Take your genetics into consideration

Our genetics play a big role in how we age and if we want a kind of roadmap as to how we will age in 10 or 20 years, we can look to our parents. Before going to the doctor, take an honest look at your parents, take stock of some of their aesthetic concerns and share these with your doctor. “Of course we use injectables in older patients and we’ve had wonderful results in softening harsh lines and wrinkles or filling up lost volume, but if we use injectables as a preventative measure, we can make very subtle adjustments that have longer lasting effects and slow down the genetic ageing process,” explains Dr Gys.

4. Think long-term

Ideally, injectables are something that should be maintained to achieve the best results, so don’t think of this as a once-off. According to Dr Kholvadia it depends on how much product they use and really what results a patient wants. But the best results are achieved if it’s a long-term commitment and you should budget for it accordingly, shee adds.  In your first consultation a treatment plan will be designed according to your personal needs, challenges and budget. “If you feel that you want less or more, depending on how you much you enjoyed your results then it’s essential that you discuss this with your doctor. Nothing is set in stone with injectables and that’s the beauty of it.”

5. Be honest

This rule really is applicable to most things in life but even more so when it comes to aesthetic injectables. Ask yourself what you really want or what’s really troubling you appearance wise and share that with your doctor. There’s no reading between the lines in your doctor’s office, they only smooth them out. If you want a lot more volume then this is what you should tell them, just be aware of the fact that this isn’t the trend anymore and many doctors today will advise to go slow and build towards a more balanced natural aesthetic treatment plan. It’s a fine balance and a marriage between what you want, what the doctor recommends after the evaluation and what is eventually done.

4 More Things You Should Know About Your Skincare Post Injectables

  1. Try and go make-up free during the first 24-hours. If you really need something, you can apply some foundation to cover any bruising or redness Be sure that your application tools or hands are extra clean. The micro-injections can be a gateway for bacteria and it’s important that patients take precautions afterwards so as to avoid any infection.
  2. Take a break from the active skincare ingredients. “Skip the retinol, vitamin C and glycolic acid for at least 48-hours after receiving botulinum toxin or hyaluronic filler injections. These ingredients can easily irritate the skin and we want to soothe and calm it as much as possible,” says Jacqueline.
  3. But don’t skip the actives completely. If you want the best results, then you need to do your homework. Jaqueline advises her clients to boost their results by using serums or moisturisers that contain actives such as retinol and vitamin C. “These ingredients increase healthy collagen and elastin synthesis and will prolong results.”
  4. Wait two weeks to book a facial. The hyaluronic acid and neurotoxin will need some time to settle so it’s best to avoid any situation where your face is under pressure. After a week you should be okay to resume exercising and you can book a facial or massage after two weeks.

For more information on Longiva’s medical aesthetic treatments or to book a consultation with Dr Gys or Dr Safeera, please contact us today by calling 0104428929.

Book any Botulinum or filler treatment with Dr. Safeera Kholvadia in March and April and get 50% off on a medical resurfacing treatment with Jacqueline.


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Longiva Medical Institute is an integrative health and wellness clinic designed with the modern individual in mind.


152 Western Service Road, 
Woodmead, Johannesburg, 
South Africa